

HP Fonds aims, on both an operational and investment level, to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Investing in mortgage bonds helps contribute to this, as direct access to inexpensive financing for borrowers enables environmental improvements in housing stock. Should opportunities arise within HP Fonds' investment universe to place funds in bonds earmarked for financing environmentally friendly initiatives, such investments will be made.


Mortgage bonds are a socially beneficial instrument. First and foremost, they provide inexpensive financing, which promotes home ownership; this increases the likelihood of continuous maintenance and care for the surroundings, thereby creating cleaner and better cities. The option to convert gives the borrower the opportunity to repay the loan by paying back the outstanding debt, thus reducing the risk of debtor's insolvency in case of falling interest rates, which is also good for job mobility in society; and since the borrower simply issues a bond through a given mortgage institution, this institution can repurchase bonds in the market and return them to the institution to repay the loan. This buy-back option means that the borrower's actual outstanding debt is reduced with rising interest rates, and the risk of insolvency is also reduced here; ultimately to the benefit of the bond market, bondholders, and society.


The legislative requirements for lending in mortgage associations have been thoroughly worked through over many years, and appear solid with meticulous recording of loans and properties, providing inexpensive housing finance in support of a democratic and egalitarian societal development.

HP Fonds will in no way participate in or make money laundering possible. Therefore, we have, among other things, effective policies and business procedures for the area of money laundering, just as this is a special focus area for the company's compliance officer.

HP Fonds focuses on creating good working conditions for its employees with a view to a stable staff, which is reflected in the high average seniority the Company has.

HP Fonds has an open corporate culture and does not discriminate based on gender, race, sexuality, or religion.